Serum Protein (Split Beta)

Main features

Helena Biosciences has produced an additional serum protein 6 band gel for differentiation of ß1 and ß2 fractions. The Split Beta Gel uses an advanced gel formulation ensuring enhanced resolution and sensitivity within the Beta and Gamma regions.

  • Up to 60 samples can be applied simultaneously
  • Complete serum protein profile
  • Resolution of ß1 and ß2 fractions to aid identification of ß region migrating monoclonal proteins
  • All assay components included within the kit

Available gel sizes


SAS-3 SP-60 SB Kit

Tests per gel:60
Gels per kit:10
Compatibility:SAS-3, SAS Vitrési, V8 gel preparation
BufferBlock gel technology
SampleSure applicators



SAS-1 SP-24 SB Kit

Tests per gel:24
Gels per kit:10
Compatibility:SAS-3, SAS Vitrési, V8 gel preparation
BufferBlock gel technology
SampleSure applicators

Catalogue numbers

Serum Protein (Split Beta)

200200 SAS-1 SP-24 SB kit
300200 SAS-3 SP-60 SB kit

Serum Protein Controls

7024 Kemtrol Serum Control - Normal Kit
7025 Kemtrol Serum Control - Abnormal Kit

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